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Disk Graph 2 1 16

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Free graphing calculator instantly graphs your math problems. Free online 3D grapher from GeoGebra: graph 3D functions, plot surfaces, construct solids and much more! In combination, the set of three is known as a DISC 'profile series'. The three graphs of a DISC analysis all follow the same basic format, an example of which can be seen on the left. This graph format shows the levels of four different basic traits or factors; reading from left to right, these are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance.

A collection of unit circles and the corresponding unit disk graph.

This graph is least likely to change and it has been edged out through your formative years, in school and at home. Graph 3 – Summary profile. The last penultimate graph is an amalgamation of your responses to graph 1 and 2. This is the graph that one will look at to decode your personality in DISC. Graph 3, provides the mental picture of YOU. When looking at the graphs read your Natural Style graph first. Your Natural Style graph is on the right. This graph describes how you tend to behave naturally in non-stressful conditions. To read your natural graph start with the red 'D' bar on the left and end with the blue 'C' bar on the right.

In geometric graph theory, a unit disk graph is the intersection graph of a family of unit disks in the Euclidean plane. That is, it is a graph with one vertex for each disk in the family, and with an edge between two vertices whenever the corresponding vertices lie within a unit distance of each other.


They are commonly formed from a Poisson point process, making them a simple example of a random structure.


There are several possible definitions of the unit disk graph, equivalent to each other up to a choice of scale factor:

  • A graph formed from a collection of points in the Euclidean plane, in which two points are connected if their distance is below a fixed threshold.
  • An intersection graph of equal-radius circles, or of equal-radius disks (see Fig. 1).
  • A graph formed from a collection of equal-radius circles, in which two circles are connected by an edge if one circle contains the centre of the other circle.


Every induced subgraph of a unit disk graph is also a unit disk graph. Manuscripts 1 2 7 – writing tool for complex documents. An example of a graph that is not a unit disk graph is the star K1,7 with one central node connected to seven leaves: if each of seven unit disks touches a common unit disk, some two of the seven disks must touch each other (as the kissing number in the plane is 6). Therefore, unit disk graphs cannot contain an induced K1,7 subgraph.


Beginning with the work of Huson & Sen (1995), unit disk graphs have been used in computer science to model the topology of ad hoc wireless communication networks. In this application, nodes are connected through a direct wireless connection without a base station. It is assumed that all nodes are homogeneous and equipped with omnidirectional antennas. Node locations are modelled as Euclidean points, and the area within which a signal from one node can be received by another node is modelled as a circle. If all nodes have transmitters of equal power, these circles are all equal. Random geometric graphs, formed as unit disk graphs with randomly generated disk centres, have also been used as a model of percolation and various other phenomena.[1]

Computational complexity[edit]

If one is given a collection of unit disks (or their centres) in a space of any fixed dimension, it is possible to construct the corresponding unit disk graph in linear time, by rounding the centres to nearby integer grid points, using a hash table to find all pairs of centres within constant distance of each other, and filtering the resulting list of pairs for the ones whose circles intersect. The ratio of the number of pairs considered by this algorithm to the number of edges in the eventual graph is a constant, giving the linear time bound. However, this constant grows exponentially as a function of the dimension (Bentley, Stanat & Williams 1977).

It is NP-hard (more specifically, complete for the existential theory of the reals) to determine whether a graph, given without geometry, can be represented as a unit disk graph.[2] Additionally, it is probably impossible in polynomial time to output explicit coordinates of a unit disk graph representation: there exist unit disk graphs that require exponentially many bits of precision in any such representation.[3] Bubble translate mac.

However, many important and difficult graph optimization problems such as maximum independent set, graph coloring, and minimum dominating set can be approximated efficiently by using the geometric structure of these graphs,[4] and the maximum clique problem can be solved exactly for these graphs in polynomial time, given a disk representation.[5] Even if a disk representation is not known, and an abstract graph is given as input, it is possible in polynomial time to produce either a maximum clique or a proof that the graph is not a unit disk graph,[6] and to 3-approximate the optimum coloring by using a greedy coloring algorithm.[7]

When a given vertex set forms a subset of a triangular lattice, a necessary and sufficient condition for the perfectness of a unit graph is known.[8] For the perfect graphs, a number of NP-complete optimization problems (graph coloring problem, maximum clique problem, and maximum independent set problem) are polynomially solvable. Morph age 5 0 2 download free. Craps 6 and 8.

See also[edit]

  • Barrier resilience, an algorithmic problem of breaking cycles in unit disk graphs
  • Indifference graph, a one-dimensional analogue of the unit disk graphs
  • Penny graph, the unit disk graphs for which the disks can be tangent but not overlap (contact graph)
  • Coin graph, the contact graph of (not necessarily unit-sized) disks
  • Vietoris–Rips complex, a generalization of the unit disk graph that constructs higher-order topological spaces from unit distances in a metric space
  • Unit distance graph, a graph formed by connecting points that are at distance exactly one rather than (as here) at most a given threshold


  1. ^See, e.g., Dall & Christensen (2002).
  2. ^Breu & Kirkpatrick (1998); Kang & Müller (2011).
  3. ^McDiarmid & Mueller (2011).
  4. ^Marathe et al. (1994); Matsui (2000).
  5. ^Clark, Colbourn & Johnson (1990).
  6. ^Raghavan & Spinrad (2003).
  7. ^Gräf, Stumpf & Weißenfels (1998).
  8. ^Miyamoto & Matsui (2005).


  • Bentley, Jon L.; Stanat, Donald F.; Williams, E. Hollins, Jr. (1977), 'The complexity of finding fixed-radius near neighbors', Information Processing Letters, 6 (6): 209–212, doi:10.1016/0020-0190(77)90070-9, MR0489084.
  • Breu, Heinz; Kirkpatrick, David G. (1998), 'Unit disk graph recognition is NP-hard', Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 9 (1–2): 3–24, doi:10.1016/s0925-7721(97)00014-x.
  • Clark, Brent N.; Colbourn, Charles J.; Johnson, David S. (1990), 'Unit disk graphs', Discrete Mathematics, 86 (1–3): 165–177, doi:10.1016/0012-365X(90)90358-O.
  • Dall, Jesper; Christensen, Michael (2002), 'Random geometric graphs', Phys. Rev. E, 66: 016121, arXiv:cond-mat/0203026, Bibcode:2002PhRvE.66a6121D, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.66.016121.
  • Gräf, A.; Stumpf, M.; Weißenfels, G. (1998), 'On coloring unit disk graphs', Algorithmica, 20 (3): 277–293, doi:10.1007/PL00009196, MR1489033.
  • Huson, Mark L.; Sen, Arunabha (1995), 'Broadcast scheduling algorithms for radio networks', Military Communications Conference, IEEE MILCOM '95, 2, pp. 647–651, doi:10.1109/MILCOM.1995.483546, ISBN0-7803-2489-7.
  • Kang, Ross J.; Müller, Tobias (2011), 'Sphere and dot product representations of graphs', Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'11), June 13–15, 2011, Paris, France, pp. 308–314.
  • Marathe, Madhav V.; Breu, Heinz; Hunt, III, Harry B.; Ravi, S. S.; Rosenkrantz, Daniel J. (1994), Geometry based heuristics for unit disk graphs, arXiv:math.CO/9409226.
  • Matsui, Tomomi (2000), 'Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set Problems and Fractional Coloring Problems on Unit Disk Graphs', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1763: 194–200, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-46515-7_16, ISBN978-3-540-67181-7.
  • McDiarmid, Colin; Mueller, Tobias (2011), Integer realizations of disk and segment graphs, arXiv:1111.2931, Bibcode:2011arXiv1111.2931M
  • Miyamoto, Yuichiro; Matsui, Tomomi (2005), 'Perfectness and Imperfectness of the kth Power of Lattice Graphs', Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3521: 233–242, doi:10.1007/11496199_26, ISBN978-3-540-26224-4.
  • Raghavan, Vijay; Spinrad, Jeremy (2003), 'Robust algorithms for restricted domains', Journal of Algorithms, 48 (1): 160–172, doi:10.1016/S0196-6774(03)00048-8, MR2006100.
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The DiSC Classic Profile – An Introduction to the 15 Classical Patterns

Welcome to the first in a series of 16 articles where we'll introduce you to the 15 DiSC Classic Profile patterns. In future blog posts each of the 15 classical DiSC Profile patterns will be featured in full detail. Acrobat writer 9 free download.

Each classical pattern has a primary style, represented by the highest plotting point above the blue mid-line on each graph. Most patterns have a secondary style as well, as indicated by the second plotting point above the mid-line. It's important to understand that the secondary style has a significant influence on how individual DiSC Profile Test patterns present themselves.

There are 4 patterns that have only one plotting point above the mid-line. These are called 'Pure Styles.' The pure style is not affected significantly by secondary style influenceswhat you see is what you get.

You can locate the Pure Styles within each of the DiSC families in the graphs below – D/Developer, i/Promoter, S/Specialist, C/Objective Thinker. Each pure style is indicated by a red dot. All other DiSC Profile patterns have a primary and secondary style.

As an aspiring DiSC Profile Test Practitioner, one of the quickest ways to become acquainted with the 15 Classical Patterns is to view them within their Pattern Family. Then associate each pattern with someone you know well – that is, someone you work or live with who has that particular pattern. As you observe the behaviors unique to that person or pattern, you will soon learn to recognize the pattern name, make style associations and connect the behavioral tendencies of each style pattern.
Remember:Indicates the Pure Style.

Click on any link below to view each of the 15 DiSC Classical patterns

Or… Click on the links below to view any of the 15 DiSC Classical patterns

DiSC Classic Profile – High D Personality – The Dominance Family:
Developer●, Results Oriented, Inspirational, Creative

DiSC Classic Profile – High I Personality – Influence Family:
Promoter●, Persuader, Counselor, Appraiser

DiSC Classic Profile – High S Personality – Steadiness Family:
Specialist●, Achiever, Agent, Investigator

DiSC Classic Profile – High C Personality – Conscientiousness Family:
Objective Thinker●, Perfectionist, and Practitioner

Please Follow the remainder of this series as we will feature each of the 15 Classical DiSC Profile patterns.

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