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Quick Key 2 0 – Text Expansion Word

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Here are 7 useful, time-saving ones for Microsoft Word to make your writing and editing process super efficient. Ctrl + Enter: Insert page break. If you want to start some text on a new page in your Word document, don't repeatedly hit Enter to add a page. Instead, use this handy shortcut to quickly insert a clean page break. Make changes in small increments - 0.1 at a time. Reduce header and footer. Re-evaluate the necessity of header and footer text. If your document has both, consider combining their contents.


This term collection covers how to refer to keyboard shortcuts and the names of specific keys.

For information about describing customers' interactions with UI, see Procedures and instructions.

Keyboard actions and access

keyboard shortcut, accelerator key, fast key, hot key, quick key, speed keyIn general, use keyboard shortcut to describe a combination of keystrokes used to perform a task.
Don't use accelerator key, fast key, hot key, quick key, or speed key.
access keyDon't use in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.
In content for developers or content about customizing the UI, it's OK to distinguish between an access key and a shortcut key. An access key is a letter or number that users select to access UI controls that have text labels. For example, the F in Alt+F. A shortcut key is a key or key combination that users select to perform a common action. For example, Ctrl+V. If you use these terms, explain the difference.
Key TipIn general, don't use in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.
In content teaching basic skills or content for a technical audience, it's OK to use Key Tip to refer to the letter or number that appears in the ribbon when the Alt key is pressed.
key combinationDon't use in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.
In content for a technical audience, it's OK to distinguish between a key combination (two or more keys selected simultaneously) and a key sequence (two or more keys selected sequentially). If you use these terms, explain the difference.
key sequenceDon't use in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.
In content for a technical audience, it's OK to distinguish between a key sequence (two or more keys selected sequentially) and a key combination (two or more keys selected simultaneously). If you use these terms, explain the difference.
keypadUse numeric keypad on the first mention. Don't use keypad by itself unless the context has been established and there's no possibility the customer will confuse the keypad with the keyboard. When in doubt, continue to use numeric keypad.
In general, don't distinguish between the keyboard and the numeric keypad. When the customer can select two keys that look the same, direct the customer to the correct key.
Select the Minus sign on the numeric keypad, not the Hyphen key on the keyboard.
keystroke, keypressDon't use keypress. Use keystroke instead.
select, press, depress, hit, strike, useUse select to describe pressing a key on a physical or on-screen keyboard. Don't use press, depress, hit, or strike.
Don't use depressed to describe an indented toolbar button unless you have no other choice.
Use use when select might be confusing, such as when referring to the arrow keys or function keys and select might make customers think that they need to select all the arrow keys simultaneously.
Use the arrow keys to move around the text.
Use use when multiple platform or peripheral choices initiate the same action or actions within a program.
Use the controls on your keyboard or controller to run through the obstacle course.
Be specific when teaching beginning skills.
To run through the obstacle course, select the Spacebar on the keyboard or pull the right trigger on the Xbox controller.
Consider using a table to present instructions that have more than two alternatives.
Use select and hold only if a delay is built into the software or hardware interaction. Don't use select and hold when referring to a mouse button unless you're teaching beginning skills.
See alsoDescribing interactions with UI, Mouse and mouse interaction term collection
shortcut keyDon't use in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.
In content for developers or content about customizing the UI, it's OK to distinguish between an access key and a shortcut key. An access key is a letter or number that users select to access UI controls that have text labels. For example, the F in Alt+F. A shortcut key is a key or key combination that users select to perform a common action. For example, Ctrl+V. If you use these terms, explain the difference.
Quick key 2 0 – text expansion word generator

Key names

  • In general, use sentence capitalization for key names.
    the Shift key
    the Page up key

  • Capitalize letter keys in general references.
    the K key

  • Lowercase and bold a letter key when instructing customers to enter the letter (unless you're instructing them to enter a capital letter).
    enter k

  • On the first mention, you can use the definite article the and the word key with the key name if necessary for clarity.
    Select the F1 key.

  • On subsequent mentions, refer to the key by its name only.
    Select F1.

Ifyou need guidance for a key name that isn't on this list, use sentencecapitalization and spell it as it appears on the keyboard.

AltCapitalize. Use to refer to the Alt key.
Application keyCapitalize. Use the Application key to refer to the key that opens a shortcut menu containing commands related to a selection.
arrow keys, direction keys, directional keys, movement keysArrow keys are labeled only with an arrow. Refer to similar keys on the numeric keypad as the arrow keys on the numeric keypad.
Use sentence capitalization to refer to a specific arrow key: the Left arrow key, the Right arrow key, the Up arrow key, or the Down arrow key. It's OK to use arrow key as a general term for any single arrow key. Include the and key in references to a specific arrow key except in key combinations or key sequences.
Don't use direction keys, directional keys, or movement keys.
Use specific names to refer to other navigational keys, such as Page up, Page down, Home, and End.
asterisk (*), starUse asterisk to refer to the * symbol.
An asterisk is used to indicate multiplication in a programming language or as a wildcard character representing one or more characters.
It's OK to use star to refer to the key on a phone keypad.
at sign (@)Pronounced at. In most cases, don't spell out.
BackCapitalize. Use to refer to the Back key, which performs the same action as the Back button in a browser.
BackspaceCapitalize. Use to refer to the Backspace key.
backtabDon't use to refer to the Shift+Tab keyboard shortcut.
Break capsUse sentence capitalization. Use to refer to the Break caps key.
Caps lockUse sentence capitalization. Use to refer to the Caps lock key.
comma (,)Spell out comma when referring to a key or the punctuation mark.
Capitalize Comma when instructing a reader to select the key. Include the symbol in parentheses when needed for clarity.
CommandCapitalize. Use to refer to the Command key on the Mac keyboard. Use the bitmap to show this key if possible. It isn't named on the keyboard.
ControlCapitalize. Use to refer to the Control key on the Mac keyboard.
CtrlCapitalize. Use to refer to the Ctrl key. Don't use for the Mac keyboard.
DelCapitalize. Use to refer to the Del key. On the Mac keyboard only, use to refer to the forward delete key.
DeleteCapitalize. Use to refer to the back delete key on the Mac keyboard.
EndCapitalize. Use to refer to the End key.
EnterCapitalize. Use to refer to the Enter key. On the Mac, use only when functionality requires it.
EscAlways use Esc, not Escape.
F1–F12Capitalize the F. Don't add a space between the F and the number.
ForwardCapitalize. Use to refer to the Forward key, which performs the same action as the Forward button in a browser.
HelpUse the Help key only to refer to the key on the Mac keyboard.
HELP keyUse the HELP key to avoid confusion with the Help button. Always include the and key.
HomeCapitalize. Use to refer to the Home key.
hyphen (-)Spell out hyphen when referring to a key. Capitalize Hyphen when instructing a reader to select the key. Include the symbol in parentheses when needed for clarity.
InsertCapitalize. Use to refer to the Insert key.
Lock clearCapitalize. Use to refer to the Lock clear key.
minus sign (–)Spell out minus sign when referring to a key. Use sentence capitalization (Minus sign) when instructing a reader to select the key. Include the symbol in parentheses when needed for clarity.
Num lock optionUse sentence capitalization. Use to refer to the Num lock option key on the Mac keyboard.
number sign (#), pound key, hashtagUse # key to describe the key.
It's OK to use pound key (#), including the symbol in parentheses, to refer to the keypad on a telephone. It's OK to use hashtag (#) to describe the use of the # key to identify a metadata term in social media.
numeric keypad, keypad, numerical keypad, numeric keyboardUse numeric keypad on first mention. Don't use keypad by itself unless there's no possibility of confusion with the keyboard. Don't use numerical keypad or numeric keyboard.
In general, don't distinguish between the keyboard and the numeric keypad. If a customer can select two keys that look the same, specify the correct key.
Select the Minus sign on the numeric keypad.
on-screen keyboard, keyboard display, soft keyboard, virtual keyboard, visual keyboardUse to describe the keyboard representation on the screen that the customer touches to enter characters.
Hyphenate on-screen keyboard. Don't use virtual keyboard, soft keyboard, visual keyboard, or keyboard display.
Page down, Page upUse sentence capitalization. Use to refer to the Page up key and the Page down key.
PauseCapitalize. Use to refer to the Pause key.
period (.)Spell out period when referring to a key. Capitalize Period when instructing a reader to select the key. Include the symbol in parentheses when needed for clarity.
plus sign (+)Spell out plus sign when referring to a key. Use sentence capitalization (Plus sign) when instructing a reader to select the key. Include the symbol in parentheses when needed for clarity.
Print screenUse sentence capitalization. Use to refer to the Print screen key.
ResetCapitalize. Use to refer to the Reset key.
ReturnCapitalize. Use to refer to the Return key on the Mac keyboard.
Scroll lockUse sentence capitalization. Use to refer to the Scroll lock key.
SelectCapitalize. Use to refer to the Select key.
ShiftCapitalize. Use to refer to the Shift key.
SpacebarCapitalize. Use to refer to the Spacebar. Always precede with the except in procedures, key combinations, and key sequences.
TabCapitalize. Use to refer to the Tab key. Always use the and key except in key combinations and key sequences.
Windows logo keyCapitalize Windows. Use to refer to the Windows logo key.

Special character names

Becausespecial character names could be confused with an action (such as+) or be difficult to see, always spell out the following specialcharacter names: Plus sign, Minus sign, Hyphen, Period, and Comma.

To avoid confusion, it's OK to add the character in parentheses after spelling out the name.
Plus sign (+)

Use discretion. This might not be necessary for commonly used characters, such as the period (.).

To show a key combination that includes punctuation requiring use of the Shift key, such as the question mark, use Shift and the name or symbol of the shifted key. Using the name of the unshifted key, such as 4 rather than $, could be confusing or even wrong. For example, the ? and / characters aren't shifted keys on every keyboard. Always spell out Plus sign, Minus sign, Hyphen, Period, and Comma.


Quick Key 2 0 – Text Expansion Word Generator

See alsoSpecial character term collection

MySQL can perform boolean full-text searches using the IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier. With this modifier, certain characters have special meaning at the beginning or end of words in the search string. In the following query, the + and - operators indicate that a word must be present or absent, respectively, for a match to occur. Thus, the query retrieves all the rows that contain the word 'MySQL' but that do not contain the word 'YourSQL':

In implementing this feature, MySQL uses what is sometimes referred to as implied Boolean logic, in which

  • + stands for AND

  • - stands for NOT

  • [no operator] implies OR

Boolean full-text searches have these characteristics:

  • They do not automatically sort rows in order of decreasing relevance.

  • InnoDB tables require a FULLTEXT index on all columns of the MATCH() expression to perform boolean queries. Boolean queries against a MyISAM search index can work even without a FULLTEXT index, although a search executed in this fashion would be quite slow.

  • The minimum and maximum word length full-text parameters apply to FULLTEXT indexes created using the built-in FULLTEXT parser and MeCab parser plugin. innodb_ft_min_token_size and innodb_ft_max_token_size are used for InnoDB search indexes. ft_min_word_len and ft_max_word_len are used for MyISAM search indexes.

    Minimum and maximum word length full-text parameters do not apply to FULLTEXT indexes created using the ngram parser. ngram token size is defined by the ngram_token_size option.

  • The stopword list applies, controlled by innodb_ft_enable_stopword, innodb_ft_server_stopword_table, and innodb_ft_user_stopword_table for InnoDB search indexes, and ft_stopword_file for MyISAM ones.

  • InnoDB full-text search does not support the use of multiple operators on a single search word, as in this example: '++apple'. Use of multiple operators on a single search word returns a syntax error to standard out. MyISAM full-text search will successfully process the same search ignoring all operators except for the operator immediately adjacent to the search word.

  • InnoDB full-text search only supports leading plus or minus signs. For example, InnoDB supports '+apple' but does not support 'apple+'. Specifying a trailing plus or minus sign causes InnoDB to report a syntax error.

  • InnoDB full-text search does not support the use of a leading plus sign with wildcard ('+*'), a plus and minus sign combination ('+-'), or leading a plus and minus sign combination ('+-apple'). These invalid queries return a syntax error.

  • InnoDB full-text search does not support the use of the @ symbol in boolean full-text searches. The @ symbol is reserved for use by the @distance proximity search operator.

  • They do not use the 50% threshold that applies to MyISAM search indexes.

The boolean full-text search capability supports the following operators:

  • +

    A leading or trailing plus sign indicates that this word must be present in each row that is returned. InnoDB only supports leading plus signs.

  • -

    A leading or trailing minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any of the rows that are returned. Quicktime 7.5 5 for mac os x 10.5 8. InnoDB only supports leading minus signs.

    Note: The - operator acts only to exclude rows that are otherwise matched by other search terms. Thus, a boolean-mode search that contains only terms preceded by - returns an empty result. It does not return 'all rows except those containing any of the excluded terms.'

  • (no operator)

    By default (when neither + nor - is specified), the word is optional, but the rows that contain it are rated higher. This mimics the behavior of MATCH() . AGAINST() without the IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier.

  • @distance

    This operator works on InnoDB tables only. It tests whether two or more words all start within a specified distance from each other, measured in words. Specify the search words within a double-quoted string immediately before the @distance operator, for example, MATCH(col1) AGAINST('word1 word2 word3' @8' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

  • > <

    These two operators are used to change a word's contribution to the relevance value that is assigned to a row. The > operator increases the contribution and the < operator decreases it. See the example following this list.

  • ( )

    Parentheses group words into subexpressions. Parenthesized groups can be nested.

  • ~ Chaos control: gtd organizer 1 04 download free.

    A leading tilde acts as a negation operator, causing the word's contribution to the row's relevance to be negative. This is useful for marking 'noise' words. A row containing such a word is rated lower than others, but is not excluded altogether, as it would be with the - operator.

  • *

    The asterisk serves as the truncation (or wildcard) operator. Unlike the other operators, it is appended to the word to be affected. Words match if they begin with the word preceding the * operator.

    If a word is specified with the truncation operator, it is not stripped from a boolean query, even if it is too short or a stopword. Whether a word is too short is determined from the innodb_ft_min_token_size setting for InnoDB tables, or ft_min_word_len for MyISAM tables. These options are not applicable to FULLTEXT indexes that use the ngram parser.

    The wildcarded word is considered as a prefix that must be present at the start of one or more words. If the minimum word length is 4, a search for '+word +the*' could return fewer rows than a search for '+word +the', because the second query ignores the too-short search term the.

  • '

    A phrase that is enclosed within double quote (') characters matches only rows that contain the phrase literally, as it was typed. The full-text engine splits the phrase into words and performs a search in the FULLTEXT Gross beat vst cracks. index for the words. Nonword characters need not be matched exactly: Phrase searching requires only that matches contain exactly the same words as the phrase and in the same order. For example, 'test phrase' matches 'test, phrase'.

    If the phrase contains no words that are in the index, the result is empty. The words might not be in the index because of a combination of factors: if they do not exist in the text, are stopwords, or are shorter than the minimum length of indexed words.

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean full-text operators:

  • 'apple banana'

    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.

  • '+apple +juice'

    Find rows that contain both words.

  • '+apple macintosh'

    Find rows that contain the word 'apple', but rank rows higher if they also contain 'macintosh'.

  • '+apple -macintosh'

    Find rows that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'.

  • '+apple ~macintosh'

    Find rows that contain the word 'apple', but if the row also contains the word 'macintosh', rate it lower than if row does not. This is 'softer' than a search for '+apple -macintosh', for which the presence of 'macintosh' causes the row not to be returned at all.

  • '+apple +(>turnover

    Find rows that contain the words 'apple' and 'turnover', or 'apple' and 'strudel' (in any order), but rank 'apple turnover' higher than 'apple strudel'.

  • 'apple*'

    Find rows that contain words such as 'apple', 'apples', 'applesauce', or 'applet'.

  • 'some words'

    Find rows that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, rows that contain 'some words of wisdom' but not 'some noise words'). Note that the ' characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

InnoDB full-text search is modeled on the Sphinx full-text search engine, and the algorithms used are based on BM25 and TF-IDF ranking algorithms. For these reasons, relevancy rankings for InnoDB boolean full-text search may differ from MyISAM relevancy rankings.

InnoDB uses a variation of the 'term frequency-inverse document frequency' (TF-IDF) weighting system to rank a document's relevance for a given full-text search query. The TF-IDF weighting is based on how frequently a word appears in a document, offset by how frequently the word appears in all documents in the collection. In other words, the more frequently a word appears in a document, and the less frequently the word appears in the document collection, the higher the document is ranked.

How Relevancy Ranking is Calculated

Quick Key 2 0 – Text Expansion Word Search

The term frequency (TF) value is the number of times that a word appears in a document. The inverse document frequency (IDF) value of a word is calculated using the following formula, where total_records is the number of records in the collection, and matching_records is the number of records that the search term appears in.

When a document contains a word multiple times, the IDF value is multiplied by the TF value:

Using the TF and IDF values, the relevancy ranking for a document is calculated using this formula:

The formula is demonstrated in the following examples.

Relevancy Ranking for a Single Word Search

Quick Key 2 0 – Text Expansion Words

This example demonstrates the relevancy ranking calculation for a single-word search.

There are 8 records in total, with 3 that match the 'database' search term. The first record (id 6) contains the search term 6 times and has a relevancy ranking of 1.0886961221694946. This ranking value is calculated using a TF value of 6 (the 'database' search term appears 6 times in record id 6) and an IDF value of 0.42596873216370745, which is calculated as follows (where 8 is the total number of records and 3 is the number of records that the search term appears in):

The TF and IDF values are then entered into the ranking formula:

Performing the calculation in the MySQL command-line client returns a ranking value of 1.088696164686938.

You may notice a slight difference in the ranking values returned by the SELECT . MATCH . AGAINST statement and the MySQL command-line client (1.0886961221694946 versus 1.088696164686938). The difference is due to how the casts between integers and floats/doubles are performed internally by InnoDB (along with related precision and rounding decisions), and how they are performed elsewhere, such as in the MySQL command-line client or other types of calculators.

Relevancy Ranking for a Multiple Word Search

This example demonstrates the relevancy ranking calculation for a multiple-word full-text search based on the articles table and data used in the previous example.

If you search on more than one word, the relevancy ranking value is a sum of the relevancy ranking value for each word, as shown in this formula:

Apple ipad pro 2018 wikipedia. Performing a search on two terms ('mysql tutorial') returns the following results:

In the first record (id 8), 'mysql' appears once and 'tutorial' appears twice. There are six matching records for 'mysql' and two matching records for 'tutorial'. The MySQL command-line client returns the expected ranking value when inserting these values into the ranking formula for a multiple word search:

The slight difference in the ranking values returned by the SELECT . MATCH . AGAINST statement and the MySQL command-line client is explained in the preceding example.

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